A hybrid model for the prioritization of municipal projects in Iran


  • Shakiba Khademolqorani Department of Industrial Engineering, Engineering faculty, Sheikh Bahaei University, Isfahan, Iran


Urban Management, Development, Municipal Projects, Strategic Planning, Multiple Alternative Decision Making


The integrated urban management is in charge of coordination and united actions of public organizations and stakeholders for presenting better and more suitable services and creating appropriate conditions for the citizens. The allied urban management includes the following benefits: programming for the execution of all urban projects, avoiding wasting resources and capital city, running urban planning based on importance and priority, creating the hierarchical system in decision making and execution, emphasizing urban management with human partnership, and preventing the individual decision making in the urban affairs.

In this paper, to achieve the integrated urban management goals in Iran, given the fact that municipalities are the main member of executive center in the city, a hybrid model for the municipal projects has been presented based on strategic planning and multiple alternative decision making methods. It has been tried to use the group decision making, a well-balanced distribution of sources and capital, urban priority for projects execution, and creating the decision making pattern on the basis of knowledge. Also, the presented model has been executed as a sample for the central municipality and a part of its related in situations in Isfahan. The obtained results clearly showed the increase of satisfaction of mayor and senior managers of each sector. Also, the level of sectors operations was upgraded and the execution based on programming created the partnership spirit to the betterment of projects execution against the bargaining culture and traditional selection method.




How to Cite

Khademolqorani, S. (2018). A hybrid model for the prioritization of municipal projects in Iran. International Journal of Applied Optimization Studies, 1(01), 1–10. Retrieved from http://www.ijaos.com/index.php/home/article/view/19



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